Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Surviving as a Knowledge Worker in the Age of AI

In the ever-evolving digital age, the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has sparked a crucial question for knowledge workers: "How do I maintain my relevance?" The answer lies in leveraging our uniquely human traits and capabilities to work in conjunction with, rather than in competition with, AI.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Online Training in the age of AI

In an increasingly digitalized world, online training is an essential part of most businesses. The arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will transform the landscape of professional development and online training by providing an unprecedented level of personalization and efficiency.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Houston, we have a problem

It seems like you are getting close to your ERP implementation go-live and finally, things are coming together. Testing has progressed, you have a good amount of data to review and use, and the project team can walk through business processes end to end. There is growing excitement within the project team and discussions start about go-live readiness.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

The beauty of micro course

Micro-Learning: a holistic approach for skill-based learning and education that deals with relatively small learning units (micro-course). It involves short-term-focused strategies specially designed for skill-based understanding/learning/education. Research has shown time and time again that the human attention span is short and getting shorter.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

FDA approved the latest insomnia cure

How many classroom trainings have you been to where you felt like taking a nap? These are the trainings where instructor lectures with minimal exercises since he has to cover so much content, the classroom is packed, learners are not engaged and keep checking their phones, and you wonder if this training is a waste of your time.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

2b or not 2b

In the last several years, assessments have progressively been viewed as bad and ineffective in most learning communities. The argument against “standardized tests” starts with early education and continues to adult learning. Most of the objections stem from the environments in which the assessment scores become the goal of learning rather than a tool to improve learners’ understanding. In today’s blog, we are trying to answer the question of; 2b or not 2b? Assess or not?

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

The early bird gets the worm

We’ve all heard that expression that emphasizes that starting a task early will yield a better reward or result. I feel that this adage can be applied to ERP training as well. Item by Item (IBI) Learning Platform is an excellent tool that is going to allow employees to get high-quality, online training for Dynamics 365 earlier than has been typically possible. Do you want your employees to get to be Early Birds?

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Follow the right path

The learning platform utilized in e-learning should be designed in a way where the user progresses through the content easily. What this means is before a user can move on to a new topic, they should have completed the previous topic, just like walking step-by-step through a path. This is known as a learning path in the training world. Learning paths ensure that learners are going through the content in a seamless manner instead of worrying about what the next steps are.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Custom training

In the Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) projects, most companies try to use the standard out-of-the-box functionality as much as possible. That may not be possible at all times, especially if your company has unique processes that require changes to D365 through extensions or the addition of ISV solutions. Ideally, standard D365 training materials should satisfy the vast majority of your company’s needs. However, more may be needed.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Time to upgrade

The COVID—19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation initiatives. Many companies are moving their on-premise applications to the Cloud to enable remote access, high security, and reliability for their employees. Several upgrade projects are underway. Most project teams are trying to figure out how to roll out these new solutions across their organizations – which may have hundreds of users spread around multiple locations.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

End user perspective

In the Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) world, there are different groups of people who all need to have different types of training and knowledge surrounding the D365 platform. The majority of the training available today focuses on the perspective of a consultant. Consultants need to know how to configure D365 for obvious reasons, it is their job. However, this type of knowledge is not the best fit and the most commonly used knowledge in a company implementing D365.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Task Guides

One of the best features of Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) Finance, Supply Chain, and Commerce is the task guide functionality. Several partners and customers use it to capture and replay the to-be processes embedded within D365. It is a simple, accessible, and intuitive tool. Sometimes, it is overstretched to replace online training for the users. In this article, we will review the core differences between the task guides and online training.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Curate content

As I work with our customers that are using the IBI Learning Platform, we have many conversations about how they can modify or improve the D365 F&O online content to better fit their company, implementation, or audience. This is a natural inclination for any company that is in the process of implementing a new ERP system. The team leaders want to make the D365 F&O training content relevant and easy to use for learners.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Online versus classroom

Blended learning is the next step in Microsoft Dynamics 365 training. The ability to utilize classroom training and online training in conjunction allows for a complete learning profile that is optimal for trainees. Currently, classroom training is the standard, but why? Classroom training in the form it is today keeps everyone at the same speed, which can be detrimental. Too much time is wasted covering the basics during this valuable in-person time.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Magic of seven

If we wanted to give some complicated instructions to a friend, intuitively, the first thing we would do is to try to split the instructions into multiple steps or chunks so that he or she can remember most of the information that we are trying to provide. In learning, splitting the course materials into chunks means breaking down the information into small-sized pieces so the brain can more easily digest them.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

A good start is half of the victory

Starting anything new can be hard whether it is learning a new skill, learning a new language, or trying to form new habits. A Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) implementation is no different. It is a big change for an organization to go through. In this article, we will look deeper into some ways you can alleviate this challenge and create a smoother transition for your organization.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

How to monitor your training program

For managers, ensuring that their employees are well trained on Microsoft Dynamics 365 (D365) is very important. However, training during an ERP implementation is an intricate task that is usually hard to quantify. Making sure that the employees are well trained is essential for the business, but it is quite a challenge to accomplish. The solution lies within using a methodology that will keep track of learner progress during a D365 implementation.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

More than a score

In many online and in-person training environments, assessments are usually not used to their full potential. These assessments are used similarly to how they are conducted in traditional schools. The evaluators do not look at why the learner got the score that she did and how she can improve her knowledge, but simply look at the score as a “result” and move on. Taking this approach leaves a large amount of knowledge and understanding untapped and cuts the whole learning experience short.

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Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item Elif Item - CEO of Item by Item

Construction of micro courses

The design of a micro-course requires the creators to take different variables into account and really put themselves in the shoes of the learner. If the content creator does not create a micro-course in the proper way, it can lead to an imbalance between what the learner needs from the course and what they are actually getting out of it.

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